As I write this post we are in a serious drought with local waters very low and warming with ambient temperatures in the upper 80’s and low 90’s. The opener this season brought many anglers out to the local waters with adverse stream conditions. High water and high turbidity made the bite tough and the fish were hunkered down! The month of May and first few days of June was unseasonably warm and water temps have been up to 68 degrees as reported. We have been fishing as conditions allow us to and midges, caddis, scuds and sowbugs have been taking some nice fish. Mostly rainbows or steelhead smolts as well as parr are being caught with fewer browns this season in the mix. We are currently booking spring and summer Guided Float Trips for trout for those interested? These float Trips take place in Northern Michigan and are about 8 hours long. We are looking forward to the Michigan Hex Hatch near the end of this month and we are also hosting Guided Night Time Hex Trips this season. Have a great summer Fly Anglers and watch the stream temps and use good judgement when fishing. Tight Lines!