Fly Casting & Consulting Clinics
Your Classroom
Helping the beginner learn the art and science of fly casting.
Have you ever seen Robert Redford’s masterpiece “A River Runs Through It” and wondered what fly-fishing would be like? Ever turn on ESPN on a Saturday morning to catch a segment on fly fishing and thought that it looked like a lot of fun? If you answered yes to one of these questions, then this clinic may be for you!
Learn the Following
Introduction: “What is Fly Fishing?”
Water: “Runs, Riffles, Pools”
History: “Who, Where, When..?”
Development / Application: “Rods, Reels, Fly Lines”
Insects: “Mayflies, Stoneflies, Caddis, Midges, Dragonflies, and Damselflies.”
Knot Tying: “Backing to reel, backing to fly line, leaders to fly line, leaders to tippet, tippet to fly.”
Casting: “Choosing the right rod and reel, line control, pick-up & lay-down, plus much more…”
Feel free to ask any questions that you would during the clinic. We encourage you to bring a notepad and take notes.
Location & Times
Location: Rochester Hills
- Monday through Friday: 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. (flexible scheduling available to accommodate your needs)
- Saturday and Sunday: Typically scheduled from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. (class duration may extend beyond the specified time)
Class Duration: 1–2 hours
Casting & Consulting Clinic Pricing:
- Private Instruction (1 person): $75.00 per person
- Private Instruction (2 people): $140.00 total
- Group Instruction (3 to 6 people): $60.00 per person